We approach copyright matters with utmost seriousness. The images showcased on our site, uploaded by our contributors, originate from Creative Commons or have received the requisite consent from the original creators. Nevertheless, there could be instances where an author retracts their image consent, an image attribution is overlooked, or, in rare situations, a contributor might upload copyrighted images despite our robust Publishing Guidelines.

If you’re convinced that our site houses materials violating your copyright, adhere to the steps below. This procedure is strictly for alerting us about infringements on your copyrighted content.

Please present the following specifics (referencing Section Numbers):

  1. Precise identification of the copyrighted content you believe has been violated.
  2. Detailed identification of the alleged infringing material, including details to help us locate it on our website, such as the material’s link.
  3. Your contact data for our response, ideally encompassing both an email address and phone number.
  4. State: “I genuinely believe the material identified as copyright infringement hasn’t received authorization from the copyright holder, its agent, or the law.”
  5. Declare: “I affirm, under risk of perjury, that the data in this notification is correct, and I am either the copyright holder or am sanctioned to act for the holder, of the supposedly infringed right.”
  6. The notice should bear the signature of the person permitted to represent the owner of the allegedly violated right.

To report copyright infringements on our website, utilize the contact form on this page. Ensure your subject reads “Copyright Material Infringement.”

Upon receipt, provided the notice meets the above criteria, we’ll act promptly to eliminate the disputed material.

By submitting a copyright infringement notice: (a) You accept and consent that we might share a copy of your notice, including your contact details, with the contributor in question. (b) You agree to let us share the disputed content with the contributor during our discussions.

Aligning with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other pertinent regulations, we’ve instituted a policy to terminate or suspend accounts of repeat offenders, at our discretion. We may also restrict site access or terminate accounts of any users infringing intellectual property rights, regardless of repetition.