Spring is here, birds are nesting in the trees and… Wait, this is not a bird`s nest! Check out these amazing treehouse nests, built by humans for humans. You might get inspired to do alike and build a nest of your own.
This nest is actually a hotel room, featuring all amenities you could wish for on 17m². It has separate bedrooms, a bathroom, and living area. Visitors enter the Bird’s Nest with the help of a retractable staircase. From the outside however, it simply looks like a gigantic bird`s nest.
In this little nest you will have to make due with a little less luxury, but in return you will be rewarded by being closer to nature. The Human Nest is perched on a hillside and looks like it came straight out of a storybook: twigs and branches are perfectly arranged with two large openings to a night’s view of the Pacific Ocean to one side and rolling hills to the other.
Tree Pod dining could easily become one of the most novel ways to enjoy a romantic dinner or a long lazy lunch among the tree tops. This luxury holiday resort, located on the remote Thai island of Kood, amid the lush tropical rainforests off the south-east coast of the Gulf of Siam, shows us how it is done.
Is it a treehouse? Is it a birdhouse? Design firm Nendo has created the Bird Apartment, a treehouse for humans in the shape of a birdhouse, but also containing space for 78 bird families to roost. You can view through each of the 78 apartment-style peepholes to see different bird families as they nest. Its aim is to get people closer to nature, and it looks like it works!
Roderick Romero is a tree nest designer and builder. In 1997, he was invited to be part of an art show and asked to build a nest in the trees. On a whim, he accepted the offer and has been building treehouses ever since. Treehouse nests are his signature style.
Learn more about Romero`s amazing work in this video.
This nest, created by New Zealand design studio Animal Farm, is one of a kind. Porky Hefer of Animal Farm has specialised in creating nest-like structures, including chairs and other items. Check out his work here.
You do not have the luxury of having a garden or a tree tall enough to support a treehouse nest? Worry not! You can simply put one of these nests in your living room! The Giant Birdsnest, designed by OGE CreativeGroup is just what you have been looking for.